Horizon Project provides supports and opportunities for personal growth, integration, and independence to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities but we also provide professional development for the people who support them. Each team member have a special value to us and get to live a unique experience at HPI. Today we will have a joy to know a little bit about our team member Shannon K. – our Residential Program Director, and learn from her.

1) When did you start working for HPI?
I started working for HPI in 2002. I was employed by Rise Inc- However, HPI replaced them in Umatilla County. There was an interview process, and several employees lost their jobs in the transition between the two companies- I was fortunate enough to be granted the opportunity, and continued on as a DSP in the Employment Department- I was a job coach and job developer at the time.
2) Why did you wish to work for Horizon Project Inc.?
I’ve always had a strong drive to advocate for those who couldn’t or wouldn’t advocate for themselves- In growing up- I always found myself trying to protect people who were picked on or left out in social normalcies.
3) What do you feel is the most important part of working with Adults with Disabilities?
Advocating for rights, choices, decisions, and a good quality of life. We support PEOPLE with developmental disabilities. Society as a whole, in my opinion has done a poor job in segregating these folks. Why are these folks viewed from a different lense? This is wrong. We can do better!
4) Could you share with us any memorable story/experience you had with clients?
I have far TOO MANY fond memories here at HPI and with SO MANY people- All of my experiences being impactful and life-altering. I made the right decision years ago. I am in the right place!
5) Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to start working with IDD clients?
In my opinion- I don’t know why anyone would want to work anywhere else. If you had the opportunity to make a difference in a person’s life. Wouldn’t you want to do that? I am honored each and every day that these people chose “ME” to be a part of their lives. There is nothing more meaningful to me.

Shannon is one of the amazing people that make difference and other people’s lives. We are so thrilled to have her in our team!